Quality control - Control Items

Adhesive & Pressure Sensitive Adehesive

Store-in inspectionThe warehouse worker take some sample from the product when the adhesive(PSA) will store-in and mixing under standard formulation , When the result will be passed, he inform the result to Production team.

Comparing with Standard ProductCompare with fair qualified product (last) and manufactured product to see any strength difference

Adherence on the SubstrateIf no strength difference between fair qualified product and manufactured product, check the next step, Adherence.

Adherence on the Substrate

Checking the
Adhesive Layer
Rubbing the adhesive surface to see separation from the film

CUTTING TESTChecking to see if rubbing causes any separation after scratching film with nails or knife

Solvent ResistanceChecking to see the adhesives are well-coated onto film surface

Solvent Resistance

Solvent ResistanceSpray the solvent on film surface and rub more than 30 times

Isothermal & Isohumidity TestAfter exposed on the solvent, check the coating surface that is still firm. If the result is fine, go to the next step, Isothermal & Isohumidity Test

Isothernal & Isohumidity Test

Isothernal & Isohumidity TestCoated film must be exposed on the Degree: 80°C, Humidity: 90%, and Time: 3 hrs

Thermal-shock TestAfter checking no separation from Isothremal&Isohumidity test, go to the next step, heat test

Thermal-shock Test

Thermal-shock TestFinally coated film will be stored at dryoven for one hour under 150℃ dryoven.

production ProcessAfter being checked which the adhesion strength was not changed under storing the high temperature, it inform the allowance to production team